Yearly Post II (2016)

1. How would you rate the year on 10? Umm, like, a 4-5 maybe?

2. Was this year happier or sadder?
 I think happier, because of the fact that I went ahead with everything with the hope of not having any regrets later on.

3. Best thing to happen in the year?
 I always answer this as people, not things. I think Anusha, I like how she has quite a positive attitude, but it also pretty realistic about stuff. Conversations with her are pretty amazing!

4. The thing you dedicated your time the most?

5. Did you keep up your yearly resolutions?
 "I never make any. I guess i should start now, considering how wayward life presently is." - this was my answer in 2013, I'll stick by this yet again.

6. Best musical discovery?
 Indian Indie! Prateek Kuhad, Ankur Tiwari, such inspiring stories and music to surround myself with.

7. What you would've done more of? 
Climbed more mountains.

8. What you would've done less of?
 Could've been less wasted, but well, last year of college and all the creeping nostalgia.

9. A date that remains etched?
 Pretty much lost track of the whole goddamn year! It's been a blur, 2016, just events. Last sem started, farewell, exams, work life started and suddenly it's 31st.

10. What was your biggest achievement?
 Finally realized a childhood dream. Shoulder length hair, 

11. Something you didn't like? People. I mean, they've never been great, but 2016 pretty much finished whatever faith I had left.

12. What did you want and get?
 I crave independence , I want freedom and I think that part of me is satisfied now, since I am living on my own, however it is. The dependency on anybody has diminished drastically.

13. What did you want and did not get and regretted? I don't know, I always felt that somewhere as I grow older, it'll start making sense to me, everything. It hasn't. I've just gotten more used to it, and that's how it probably works. 

14. Biggest failure?
 "Me, its always me. I'm a shameless critic of myself." Same as in 2013, some things just don't change.

15. What would have made your year more satisfying?
 Finding people with the same wavelength. Yup, this too is pretty much the same. So, I haven't found people with the same wavelength for 3 years now. Damn, I should get out more.

16. What was the best book you read in the year?
 Fuck, I didn't read any new book! I did reread some of the favourites, but still, that's pretty depressing.

17. Best TV programme?
 The Wire, finally!

18. Where did most of your money go?
 In forgetting the whole year.

19. Did you fall in love in 2016?
 I no longer understand what that means to be honest.

20. What did you do on your birthday?
 I was in a hospital. And also for the next week. But I don't fancy birthdays anyways, they're so overrated, so it's not an issue.

21. What kept you sane?
 My love for mountains. I haven't yet acted on it, and I know it makes me a pretty fucked up person, but I know inside that I will, for sure.

22. What was the best movie you watched?
 Life is beautiful, I don't know why I hadn't watched it for so long.

23. The song that defined you and the year?
 Twilight of the Thunder God, Amon Amarth. I spent the whole year believing it's my last.

24. Lesson you learnt in the year?
 Choose your people wisely. When we are younger, it's not an issue , and that's how it should still be when you grow up.

That is it. I'm out of questions. Suggestions are welcome, for my views, and also if you have more questions.


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