
Showing posts from June, 2014

Tiananmen and Today

It was a usual Sunday afternoon. Yes, I never know Sunday mornings. I'm a wasted would-be engineer who sleeps when the sun goes up and wakes up when it goes down. I've always had this habit of reading, no matter how wasted i was. Sunday was special, because it brought with it The Hindu Magazine. I really liked that piece, and I read something there that got me thinking and got me here, typing at 5 in the morning. About 25 years ago, Tiananmen happened. For the uninitiated, students of the Peking University in China went on a massive strike against the ruling Communist Party (CPC) in 1989, demanding reforms in the then current system. The rest is history. PLA was called in to clear the Tiananmen square and they cleared it. Hundreds and thousands of students died on a day that goes down as a red blot on humanity.                 But what amazed me, as I read through and researched about it more later, is that their legacy is dwindling. The politically correct students of t